
DINZ advice on meetings and events under the traffic light system | Issue 173

Dec 3, 2021

Like everybody we are pondering the implementation of the new Covid Traffic Light system and what it means for our staff, and the events we manage.  We want to strike the right balance between keeping people safe, protecting families and businesses from the impact of covid, while still allowing as much business to continue as possible. 

Firstly – given the risk to human health from covid and the potential for transmission to deer we strongly urge everyone in the deer industry community to get vaccinated.  Vaccination is the best means of minimising the risk of contracting the disease, minimizing the risk of transmission and the risk of serious illness. 

DINZ Operations under “Traffic Lights”

  • Deer Industry New Zealand is committed to doing everything we can to keep our people and our industry safe from Covid-19. Vaccination is the best method for limiting the impact of Covid-19.
  • And so, from December 3, we are requiring all people coming to our office to be fully vaccinated. 
  • Our staff must be vaccinated to visit or attend offsite events.
  • For DINZ and DFA run events, we recommend that all attendees are vaccinated.
  • Attendees who are not vaccinated could attend online.
  • We will apply the following guidance to DINZ run events depending on ‘Traffic light level’.

For every activity, the following must be done:

  • Health and Safety Plan where necessary
  • Register of attendees, Trace scanning, QR codes in place
  • Stay away if feeling unwell or waiting for the results of a covid test

  • For all DINZ organised activities we will ascertain the vaccination status of invitees prior to the event to determine operations under the different levels.
  • Where we do not know the vaccination status of all attendees, we will assume that we are less than 100% vaccinated and implement the more restrictive settings.
  • At all events we will ensure hand sanitiser and face masks are available.
  • If people become unwell during the event they should immediately self-isolate and seek medical assistance.






  If 100% vaccinated  If unknown If 100% vaccinated If unknown If 100% vaccinated If unknown
Small indoor meeting  No limits  1m distancing with seated catering  No limits  1m distancing with seated catering  Proceed with spacing  Is it essential? If not do not proceed 
Hosted Tour (e.g. AP Exchanges, BDT, Young Chefs)  Check host’s policies   Check host’s policies, 1m distancing, Masks recommended  Check host’s policies   Check host’s policies, 1m distancing, Masks recommended  Is it essential? If not do not proceed  Do not proceed 
On-farm meeting  Check host’s policies   Check host’s policies, 1m distancing, Masks recommended  Check host’s policies   Check host’s policies, 1m distancing, Masks recommended  Proceed with spacing  Do not proceed 
Large Gathering (Tech Expo, Regional Workshops, Conference)  No limits  <100, 1m, seated catering  No limits  <50, 1m spacing, seated catering, masks recommended  Is it essential? If not do not proceed  Do not proceed 


Click here to download a PDF table of "DINZ Operations under Traffic Lights" >>

View the map for the Traffic Light System and more information at >>

We will be reviewing these policies regularly to ensure we are doing what we should to make events and people safe.

We have also been asked about guidance for non-DINZ organized events.  We would strongly encourage everyone involved with the deer industry to take a cautious approach when inviting groups of people to your property or arranging events.  Follow the advice from the MOH, and take extra precautions in order to minimize the risks to staff and family. 

This could include requiring visitors to take a rapid antigen test before attending. 

With stag sales coming up we recommend that event organisers proceed with caution and apply the guidance above.   

If the vaccination status of attendees is unknown, at Orange, your event will be limited to less than 50 people, masks are strongly recommended to be warn, with 1 meter spacing between attendees and the post-sale BBQ and beer will have to be put on hold.  Other suggested steps include not allowing any attendees to handle velvet on display, or get close to the stags, an antigen test could be an option for visitors to provide those attending with a further degree of protection from exposure to the virus. 


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