When a hind reaches maturity at 16 months of age, they are capable of producing a single calf (rarely twins) annually. Understanding a hinds reproductive cycle and using considered management throughout the year will provide the best potential for high annual productivity.
Annual cycle of hinds
Adult hinds initiate ovulation and oestrus (‘heat’) in mid to late March in New Zealand.
Mating management of hinds
Management of hinds around mating is mostly about ensuring that they are in good body condition and are provided a low-stress environment.
Puberty in hinds
Information about puberty in hinds and cows and certain rules to ensure they do reach puberty when they should.
Yearling mating management
Why should mating management of yearling hinds differ from that of adult hinds?

Reproductive wastage
Reproductive wastage is lost money! Any time a hind fails to present a good healthy calf at weaning,that’s wastage.

Reproductive disorders in hinds
There are a variety of reasons why hinds may fail to breed. The principal cause of failure is undoubtedly poor nutrition and low body condition score (BCS). However, there are a number of other reproductive disorders than can afflict individuals, but these only account for a small proportion of losses.
Looking after the hind
When does the hind become a priority over the calf in autumn? When should we switch our focus from weaning weight (this years production) to hind conception and mating date (next years production)?