
Issue 176 | April 2022

Apr 8, 2022

In this issue...

  • Executive Committee Report
    Member Justin Stevens reflects on current challenges, a small rise in the NZDFA membership subscription and looking ahead to spring.
  • Venison recovery continues
    The five venison marketing companies all met with the NZDFA Executive Committee last week to provide an update on the year so far and the outlook for the upcoming spring season.
  • NZDFA and DINZ industry positions
    Notification of the results of nominations for the Deer Industry New Zealand Board, and the NZDFA Executive Committee and Selection and Appointments Panel positions. 
  • New Zealanders underate venison
    John Douglas has been face-to-face with consumers for around 20 years, so he knows New Zealanders are still constantly surprised to find farm-raised venison’s non-gamey taste and tenderness, compared to wild venison.
  • NZDFA 47th AGM and Branch Chairs Meeting - Save the Date
    The 47th NZDFA AGM will be held in Wellington on Wednesday 25th May with a Branch Chairs Meeting to be held the day before on the 24th. 
  • Silver Fern Farms trials new dishes in China
    Trials of new products for Chinese restaurants and retail are underway for Silver Fern Farms in China.
  • We couldn't bring you to Wellington, so we're bringing the 2022 conference to you!
    We're shaking things up this year and have replaced the usual national conference with several half-day regional DINZ Road Trip events throughout June.
  • TB alerts for hunters during the roar
    With the roar underway, there will be a lot of hunters in the hills. There will also be wild stags running along deer farm boundary fences looking like they belong in the freezer. Both have implications for bovine TB control.
  • 2022 MSD Animal Health/Allflex Deer Industry Photo Competition
    Only one month to go, entries close 5pm, Wednesday 4 May.
  • Big Deer Tour 2022 - Selections
    Thank you to all those that applied this year. DINZ and the NZDFA are excited to announce this year tourists. 
  • 50 years of research on farmed deer
    This year marks the 50th anniversary of research on farming deer and during the year we will look back at some of the early work and how the research has allowed the industry to develop.
  • Noticeboard
    Updated Covid-19 advice | New bank account details for the NZDFA | P2P Update | Detection of Fall Armyworm in New Zealand | 2022 Primary Industries Awards | Farm without harm | Control the roll - ACC cash back on CPDs | Second year vet looking for a placement | MetService Outlook April 2022
  • Recipe: Venison Wellington
    Venison Wellington is a seared venison tenderloin that has been covered with Duxelles, wrapped in prosciutto and pastry and baked to perfection.
  • Events
    Click here to see any events that are happening

Joke of the Month


Matuschkatoon by Murray Matuschka. Drawn for 2004 Deer Industry Conference held in Wairakei 


Please note all events are subject to Covid-19 restrictions in place at the time of the event. Please follow instructions of host and/or venue.

  • MSD/Allfex Deer Industry Photo Competition - Entries open NOW, competition closes 5:00pm, 4 May. Click here for details >>
  • Deer Industry Road Trips - keep an eye out here for details.

To see the most up-to-date events in the industry, click here >>

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