Asher, G. W. (1992) Fallow Deer Farming: Historical Perspective
Progressive Fallow Deer Farming
This report discusses the history of Fallow Deer farming, focusing on the intorduction of the species into the given country, the present development of intensive farming of Fallow, the industry structure and the available markets
Published: 1992-01-01
Document type: Conference Papers/Proceedings
Keywords: Fallow, markets
Hopkirk, R. (2002) Farm Product Vertification
NZVA Deer Branch Conf. Proceedings
This paper outlines the Livestock Status Declaration programme. This programme has the ability to conduct trace back from any part of the processing chain should a violation be identified. It provides an important element of public health assurance for meat and meat products
Published: 2002-05-01
Document type: Conference Papers/Proceedings
Keywords: health, markets, products
Asher, G. W. (2011) Farmed red deer hind habitat use and behavioural activity patterns in South Canterbury high-country over calving and lactation
DEEResearch library
Results of study examining habitat use of red deer hinds farmed within an extensive high-country system in South Canterbury. It expands previous work conducted at Haycocks Station in Southland (Netzer et al. 2009) to another site more representative of east coast South Island high-country.
Published: 2011-11-17
Document type: Research Report
Keywords: grazing, grazing behaviour, hill country, red deer