
What’s been happening around the country? | Issue 201

Jul 5, 2024

What’s been happening around the country?

Kia Ora Mate

G’day from across the ditch – spending a few days in Oz and it’s not much warmer over here. Thanks climate change.  I hope everyone is keeping warm and feeding out is going smoothly. Since the last DFA Stagline there has been a flurry of branch activity which has been very pleasing to see.  We’ll cover most of these in this issue but as always please let us know if you have something coming up and we’ll aim to get someone from DINZ and NZDFA to attend.

The Meeting Season?

Over the last month three branches have held their AGMs, starting with SCNO on 6 June.  Once again held (on a cold Gerladine night) at the warm and convivial House of Hop, there was a solid turnout of 30+ farmers as well as NZDFA Executive Committee members Mark McCoard and Justin Stevens attending alongside myself and Luka Jansen from DINZ. SCNO is one of the more active branches and there was good discussion on several topics including greenhouse gas emissions, heavier stags for venison and a new initiative that is being planned to encourage our young deer farmers.  Stay tuned for more details over the coming months.

Next up was the Central Regions AGM on the 19 June at the Fielding Gentlemen’s Club and another great turnout (I didn’t count but possibly 40+) and it was good to catch up with some old faces and meet some new ones.  Also in attendance was Mark McCoard and the new Interim DINZ CEO Rhys Griffiths.  Market access and changes at DINZ dominated discussions as well as interest in venison opportunities for heavier stags.

And the last AGM this month was held by the Wairarapa branch in Solway Park, Masterton on 2 July.  Mark, Luka and Evan Potter (NZDFA) attended this. 

Freshwater Farm Plans were a hot topic at the AGM. Greater Wellington Regional Council has started requesting farmers to submit a full Freshwater Farm Plan as part of their regional plan requirements. One proactive farmer was advised to use a consultant who was based in the Waikato, then told their plan was not good enough and would need a lot more time/money to be spent to be certified. Luka was saddened to hear that the Council was giving farmers the run around causing feelings of despair. This highlighted the need for better guidance and support from Councils to educate farmers on the plan content requirements. Luka explained that the coalition government is currently reviewing Freshwater Farm Plan legislation. DINZ along with B+LNZ, DairyNZ and Federated Farmers continue to work on areas of common concern relating to farm plans such as duplication and cost.  

But it’s not just AGMs. Recently (25 June) the Bay of Plenty branch held a field day at Graham Birch’s Tumunui farm. This was a great variation for a field day: Troy Allison from Duncan Meat Processing gave a demonstration on how to cut up a deer carcass, followed by chef Graham Brown cooking fresh venison steaks, and a range of other amazing venison dishes. Another 30+ turnout is encouraging for this small branch and also indicative that across the country branches are looking at active engagement with their members. 

Other activity happening or not too far away that we hope to report on soon: Marlborough branch is hosting 25 Marlborough Boys College students with support from the DINZ/NZDFA Community Engagement fund.  Luka Jansen will also speak to the Southland committee later this month to update them on environmental regulations and policy developments in this (not so) new government.

And last but not least

NZDFA congratulates the Guild and Dunbar families (High Peak Station): this year’s Gordon Stephenson Trophy winners at the National Sustainability Showcase held in Hamilton. As winners of the Ballance Farm Environment Awards - Canterbury Regional Supreme Award they competed with nine other regional winners for the trophy. The win makes them the 2024 National Ambassadors for Sustainable Farming and Growing.

This is the second time that a deer farming business has taken out the trophy -  the previous winners were Evan and Linda Potter in 2021 who were also present at the dinner and awards evening along with a strong contingent of DINZ supporters (Luka Jansen, Sara Elmes and John Ladley).

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