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Noticeboard | Issue 167

Jul 8, 2021

OSPRI update - Change in how meat processor declare untagged animals in NAIT

Key elements of the change

  • From 1 July 2021, all meat processors must differentiate in their NAIT records between:
    • Animals that arrive untagged with an unsafe to tag exemption.
    • Animals that arrive untagged without an exemption.
  • Animals that have been declared and marked as unsafe to tag will incur the $13 NAIT Unsafe to tag levy. All other untagged animals will incur the NAIT Slaughter Levy ($0.50 excl GST) per animal and will be considered non-compliant for NAIT purposes.
  • OSPRI will monitor animals that are moved untagged without an exemption as reported to NAIT by meat processors.  OSPRI will take steps to educate and/or take other compliance action where appropriate.
  • OSPRI worked with our Meat Processors Technical Reference Group (TRG) on the factsheet to make it easier for meat processor reps to pass on requirements and information to their farmers. This was requested by the industry.
  • See the OSPRI website for more information for farmers and for meat processors.

Message from Biosecurity NZ on TSE surveillance

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