
A trip down memory lane - "The Deer Farmer" magazine | Issue 206

Dec 13, 2024

In the lead up to next year’s Deer Industry Conference marking 50 years of NZDFA, DFA Stagline is publishing articles from our pastWe are grateful to Country-Wide for permission to reproduce these stories of our industry first published in “The Deer Farmer” .

In this issue we re-publish items from The Deer Farmer August 1988 - Bob Swann, The Deer Farmer August 1988 -  National Field Days and The Deer Farmer January 1989 - Horoscope. 

The Deer Farmer August 1988 - Bob Swann

Click here to see a PDF version of the above article. 

The Deer Farmer August 1988 -  National Field Days

Click here to see a PDF version of the above article. 

The Deer Farmer January 1989 - Horoscope

Click here to see a PDF version of the above article. 

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