
2023/24 NZDFA Membership - Invitation to join | Issue 187

Apr 6, 2023

The New Zealand Deer Farmers’ Association invite you to join them through subscription for the 2023/24 year.

Your annual subscription of $150 incl GST supports NZDFA at the national level to represent your interests over a broad spectrum of activities. A $25.00/head annual capitation fee returned to the local Branch of your choice.

Membership invoices will be heading out soon for the 2023/24 year.

These will come out via Xero if we have your email address. Those who we don't have an email address for will receive their invoice via post. Please get in touch if you'd like us to add a email to your record. 

 You will still need to pay via bank transfer and a reminder that BNZ does not accept cheques.

What does the NZDFA do?

On a national level, the NZDFA advocates for it’s deer farming members with the following as highlights:

  • Electing Deer Industry New Zealand Board members: The national Executive Committee and Selection and Appointments Panel (SAP) are responsible for electing four of the eight DINZ board members. This key function ensures deer farmers interests are well represented at the governance level of the industry.
  • Regular communication with Deer Industry New Zealand (DINZ): The Executive Committee will meet with both the DINZ Executive and DINZ Board throughout the year to discuss all aspects of the industry but mostly to ensure grassroots deer farmers thoughts are heard. We do this to ensure balanced decisions are made for the industry and its farmers.
  • Co-funding support for branch projects: Funds are available to support branch projects (or external projects with branch support) are available on a case-by-case basis.
  • Running the Next Generation Programme: Now going into its 11th year, the two-day event attracts ~60 registrants each August. It is jointly funded via NZDFA and DINZ and usually organised alongside a local branch.
  • DFA Stagline: A comprehensive monthly electronic newsletter to paid-up NZDFA members and active deer farmers to highlight the work of the NZDFA. Contents include local and national news, links to deer farming related information and as a diary of national and branch events.
  • Annual October Branch Chairs Meeting: This combined NZDFA, DINZ Board and Executive combined meeting with the Branch Chair’s includes the “New Faces” initiative, an industry leadership development in association with DINZ and the Ian Spiers Memorial Trust. The Branch Chairs also meet in May before the AGM to discuss important matters.
  • Environmental Stewardship: Ongoing work alongside DINZ’s environmental stewardship programme, with strong support and leadership in regional council environmental and water quality planning implications for deer farmers.
  • OSPRI NZ: NZDFA is working closely with OSPRI to move into works-based Tb monitoring for most and phasing out of formal skin testing obligations. We also have a good dialogue with NAIT and were successful in lobbying for deer to be exempt from mandatory double tagging.
  • NAIT Leader Tags: Negotiated members discount on NAIT tags through Leader Tags with up to 15% savings on verification of current NZDFA membership.
  • Support with donation: Actively engage, donate, and coordinate support for farmers when needed. Alongside on-the-ground support after Cyclone Gabrielle, the NZDFA organised an auction raising $117,000 that will be used to help affected farmers.

At a local level: Your local branch is your first point of contact for what is happening in the area. Branches support the deer farming industry through various activities including field days, velvet competitions and social events for members and the wider community. They also advocate on behalf of their members and communicate with the Executive Committee and DINZ.

The NZDFA relies on this relatively small subscription to function effectively while continuing to deliver a strong, independent view for the producer at all levels of industry engagement. The NZDFA extends it thanks to all those who have shown support through the past year. We wish you all the best for the coming year.


Many thanks,

Justin Stevens, NZDFA Executive Chairman 

If you are not currently a member or don't receive an invoice and would like to join the NZDFA, please email to sign up.

Continue reading DFA Stagline Issue 187, next: Noticeboard & Events >>

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