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Industry governance

Role with DINZ Board

Deer Industry New Zealand is a statutory marketing authority established under the Deer Industry New Zealand Regulations in 2004.

The regulations cover:

  • DINZ functions
  • Membership (directors)
  • Strategic direction
  • Funding
  • Committees
  • Levies
  • Operational functions
    • Promotion
    • Quality assurance
    • Research & development
    • Market access and representation
  • Requirements of Board members
  • Functioning and roles of the NZDFA Executive Committee and Selection and Appointments Panel

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DINZ succeeded the Game Industry Board, which was established by the Game Industry Board Regulations 1985.

Functions of DINZ
Membership of DINZ
Operational functions of Deer Industry New Zealand
Commitments required of a Deer Industry New Zealand member
The NZDFA Selection and Appointments panel
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