
NZDFA Canterbury-West Coast branch revitalisation kicks into gear

Feb 28, 2025

Stu Stokes kicks off discussions on weaning at his Canterbury farm.

A good mix of attendees congregated in Sheffield, Canterbury on 30 January for a field day on weaning at Stu Stokes’ deer farm. With over 80 in attendance, it was a good showing for a branch looking to revitalise itself ahead of the upcoming annual general meeting in April. 

The day was facilitated by Danette McKeown and featured a tour of the farm, led by Stokes, followed by discussions on drought management, pre- vs post-rut weaning, and finishing weaners. More on the intricacies of the day itself can be found in the upcoming issue of Deer Industry News, out in March. 

“It was a great day, with the large number of attendees reiterating that we [the NZDFA Canterbury-West Coast branch committee] had chosen the right topic at the right time,” says Grant Hasse, interim Canterbury-West Coast branch committee chair. 

“As is often the case for these types of events, the interaction between attendees and presenters was key to the day's success. The speakers' presentations were on point, with some very good questions and observations from the floor. The after-event socialising and continued topical discussions was also very heartening.”

The once powerhouse branch of the NZDFA is gearing up for a busy 2025. An AGM is planned for 3 April, where the branch committee hopes to attract some new faces and fresh ideas for the future, with an initial focus on the year ahead. 

The day attracted a good mix of attendees.

“The New Zealand Deer Farmers Association is an independent farmer-led and run organisation” says Mark McCoard, chair of the NZDFA Executive Committee. “It advocates for grassroots farmer interests both within the deer industry but also at the regional and national government level when the need arises. The engine room of the organisation is the 16 branches, spread throughout the country. 

“The local DFA branch provides a platform for deer farmers to be involved in local activities or events that are important to them, ranging from velvet competitions to field days. The Canterbury-West Coast branch committee are working to revitalise and strengthen their committee and branch for the future. Supporting their efforts ensures deer farmers continue to enjoy having a local platform and support network.” 

A strong NZDFA is a key part of the deer industry, with their ear to the ground in the regions and ability to respond quickly to regional situations. A good example of this would be the response to Cyclone Gabrielle, where farmers across the country rallied around the affected areas and farmers, providing labour, fencing materials, supplies and recovery funds raised through a charity auction hosted by bidr. The funds were distributed to the affected branches. Deer Industry New Zealand (DINZ) is fully aware of this and is eager to see the NZDFA succeed. What’s good for the NZDFA is good for the entire New Zealand deer industry. 

John Tacon presents Malcolm Gilbert with his lifetime branch membership. 

"The NZDFA as an organisation is the voice of our farmers, and that voice is only as strong as the branches themselves,” says DINZ Producer Manager Lindsay Fung. “An active, engaged branch provides a strong direction and voice for the industry.  

“DINZ has a role in supporting the NZDFA branches to remain engaged and involved in industry activities. The branches are essentially run by volunteers who give up their scarce time, so whatever DINZ, via the Producer Manager portfolio, can do to help branches function effectively ensures farmer participation and connections, and ultimately that farmer views are represented at all levels of the industry." 

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