
Interested in becoming a NVSB-certified deer velvetter?

Mar 16, 2023

Deer farmers and their employees may apply to be certified to remove velvet antler from their stags under a programme run by the National Velvet Standards Body (NVSB). The programme is quite rigorous, taking about six months to complete. Now’s a good time to apply for those wanting to be certified to remove velvet next season.

The NVSB programme is the subject of a new Deer Fact sheet that will be enclosed in the March edition of Deer Industry News. To download a copy, click here >>

The Deer Fact explains that by law, velvetting must be carried out under veterinary supervision. The premises used to remove velvet must comply with the hygiene and food safety standards in MPI’s Regulated Control Scheme for Velvet Antler Removal (RCS).

To become certified, an applicant must pass an exam to show they have a good understanding of all aspects of velvet growth and removal. They must also demonstrate they can remove velvet from stags safely and hygienically, with effective pain relief and minimal stress to the stag.

DINZ QA general manager Rob Gregory says certified velvetters must pay an annual fee and have a formal NVSB contract with a supervising veterinarian. To ensure that everyone is complying with the NVSB and RCS rules, the NVSB carries out random audits of velvetters and premises every year.

To enquire about NVSB training and certification, contact the quality systems administrator at DINZ:, phone 04 471 6114.

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