Mar 16, 2023
A recent New Zealand clinical trial found regularly consuming deer milk improves the nutritional status, muscle mass and physical performance of women aged 65 and over.
Undertaken by Pāmu New Zealand in conjunction with Massey University, and with support from the High-Value Nutrition (HVN) Ko Nga Kai Whai Painga National Science Challenge, the trial recruited 120 women over the age of 65 with a lower to normal Body Mass Index (BMI) to consume either 200ml of Pāmu Deer Milk or a market leading commercial oral nutritional supplement daily for 10 weeks.
Ageing causes people to lose muscle mass and bone density which can lead to increased risk of falls and fractures, especially in post-menopausal women when the bones lose calcium and other minerals. The study showed Pāmu Deer Milk improved nutritional status, muscle mass and physical performance in women aged 65 and above.
“Further observations were that Pāmu Deer Milk may support bone health in postmenopausal women, by reducing bone breakdown and bone loss over time,” said Massey University lead researchers, Professors Marlena Kruger and Pamela von Hurst.
Pāmu Deer Milk business lead Hamish Glendinning sees enormous potential for the product to carve out a defendable position in the aged nutrition space with a natural and unique product offering, at the same time offering increased returns to deer farming in New Zealand.