
Farm planning workshop - Winton

  • Date
    11 Mar - 8 Apr
  • Time
  • Location
  • Cost

Day 1: 11th March

Day 2: 25th March

Day 3: 8th April

What's involved?

3x half day workshops facilitated by the Ballance Farm Sustainability team to aid you in building a farm plan which covers all your requirements (Integrated farm plan).

Topics in your plan include: (Freshwater management, Biodiversity, Biosecurity and GHG management). The plan is completed in an online tool.

What do I get from attending?

A plan which meets the latest NZFAP Plus (market driven requirements), local regional Southland farm planning requirements (regional).

It is up to you what you do with your plan post workshop. However, farmers in Southland do now have until the middle of 2026 to submit a certified farm plan. DINZ will also cover your $680 Overseer nutrient budget fee for those working towards NZFAP Plus.

What will this cost?

Apart from your time a small fee of $150 to cover the online farm plan tool subscription. The rest of the workshop is funded by workshop partners Deer Industry NZ.

Expressions of interest

We haven't determined the locations of all future workshops, so we are looking for expressions of interest from Deer farmers who are interested in attending. Open to All Deer farmers Nationwide.

We only have funding to run these workshops for a short period of time. The alternative is to pay a consultant for full 1:1 support which comes at a much larger cost.

Please email to express your interest.