Got winter crop? You need to have a wintering plan. We are here to help you, so come along and get your plan done on the day – quick, simple & painless. We will provide templates, ideas and practical examples relevant to deer farming. The plan can largely be re-used each year. DINZ appointed facilitators Danette McKeown and Nicole Lang will be facilitating this session.
Even if you have done a plan, come along to share your thoughts. It’ll be an enjoyable afternoon with workshops starting at 12.45pm and going to roughly 3.30pm with afternoon tea provided.
When: 10th June 2022
Time: 12:45 - 3:30pm
Where: Green Man Cafe, 1202 Peel Forest Road, Mt Peel, Geraldine 7992.
Any questions, please contact Megan McCall
Covid-19 Protection Framework and DINZ Operations
Deer Industry New Zealand is committed to doing everything we can to keep our people and our industry safe from Covid-19. DINZ encourages all members of the deer industry community to keep up with vaccinations against the Covid-19 virus as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
For Deer Industry New Zealand convened events we encourage good hygiene and a continuation of attendees staying away if they exhibit any cold or flu-like symptoms. We encourage mask wearing and following the Alert Level guidance provided by the government. People should adhere to medical advice if they have recently tested positive for Covid-19.
For any Deer Industry New Zealand event entry will be determined by the venue host. Individual businesses are free to determine if they will allow non-vaccinated people onto their premises. DINZ will respect the decisions of these venues. DINZ will not require attendees to be fully vaccinated to attend a DINZ convened event.
For more information on the above contact DINZ on 04 473 4500.