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VelTrak is a fully electronic, web-based system that enables velvet to be tracked and traced each step of the way from the farm to the market (and vice-versa). 

It proves to customers that the velvet they are buying is produced on quality assured NZ farms and meets our stringent animal welfare and food quality standards. It builds on the great work done by farmers to upgrade their sheds and freezers to comply with the MPI Regulated Control Scheme (RCS). 

VelTrak logo

DINZ has developed VelTrak to help lock-in the price premium that NZ velvet now enjoys in South Korea over velvet from competing countries. It will also help our velvet exporters and DINZ to grow the market for velvet-based health foods across Asia. 

VelTrak is what the major health food companies in South Korea have been asking for. It provides them with the proof of integrity and traceability they need to protect the reputation of their brands. It is also expected to be a major selling point when marketing our velvet to similar companies in China, Taiwan and elsewhere.

Other producing countries do not have the technology we have developed for VelTrak. Dishonest traders will find it extremely difficult to counterfeit VelTrak tags and pass off other velvet as being from New Zealand.

For more information about VelTrak, click here >>

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