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Deer Facts

Deer Facts are up-to-date sources of practical information for everyone involved in deer farm management. They are published to help NZ deer farmers run profitable, resilient and sustainable farming businesses as part of the Passion2Profit (P2P) strategy.

Deer Farming Resource Kit

The first Deer Facts were published in September 2015. New and updated Deer Facts are published regularly and are being circulated to deer farmers and others involved in deer farm management on request. To subscribe to the print editions, email info@deernz.org with your postal address and occupation.

Each Deer Fact sheet has been checked for technical accuracy, but DINZ cannot take responsibility for decisions based on their content. If in doubt, seek professional advice. 

This resource has been produced as part of the Passion2Profit programme, a Primary Growth Partnership co-funded by Deer Industry New Zealand and the Ministry for Primary Industries.

Deer Facts Index

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