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Health tools

Healthy deer grow better and faster. A tailored health programme for your farm will help you make sure nothing is holding them back.

A refreshed approach to health planning

Aim: Healthy deer achieving optimal performance through proactive, cost-effective health management.

A Deer Health Review looks at production performance and health risks, evaluates management options and identifies the most appropriate actions. It results in the development of a personalised documented animal health plan detailing on-farm policies for key health issues and actions to take.

Why do a Health Review of your deer?

A Deer Health Review captures overall health stewardship, ensures health spend is targeted for optimum profitability, and clearly details the what, why, when and by whom of on-farm health management.

It also provides a basis for regular review, and allows clear communication for those involved, including farm owners, staff, farm consultants, and veterinarians.

What you will get out of it

  • A comprehensive plan for managing your deer health.
  • An action plan that will result in more information to base decisions on.
  • Gains in production performance as you manage risks and target spend based on defined need.
  • A document that forms the basis of ongoing review.


More resources

To download the Health Review Workbook, click here >> (remember to save to your desktop before you enter any text).

To view the Regulated Control Scheme for Deer Velvet Harvest, click here >>

A complementary Health Review workbook has been produced for sheep and beef cattle.


More resources

To download the Sheep and Beef Cattle Health Review workbook, click here >>

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