
2023 Hawkes Bay Branch Velvet Competition

  • Date
    14 Nov - 14 Nov
  • Time
  • Location
    Hawkes Bay
  • Cost
    $10/per entry, $35/pp dinner

Viewing and Deer Dinner

Join the Hawkes Bay Branch NZDFA for their annual velvet competition. 

When: Tuesday 14 November

Time: Velvet viewing from 4.15pm to 5.45pm

Where: Pak n Save Coolstore, 1424a Omahu Road, Twyford, Hastings

Followed by dinner

Where: Bare Knuckle BBQ, 1024 Pakowhai Road, Frimley, Hastings

Time: Meet from 6.15pm, Nibbles from 6.30pm, Seated 7.00pm

Cost: $35 per head (subsidised by Cyclone Fund) Cash bar

RSVP: Laura Billings phone or text 027 231 1005 or email by Thursday 9 November 

Class 1 Champion Red Velvet - HBF Dalgety Trophy
Best single head. Open to commercial and stud breeders.
Class 2 Five Year Red Velvet - Vet Services (HB) Ltd Trophy
Open to commercial and stud breeders.
Class 3 Three Year Red Velvet - Wrightson Trophy
Open to commercial and stud breeders.
Class 4 Four Year Red Velvet - National Livestock Trophy
Open to commercial and stud breeders.
Class 5 Best Three Heads - Maranoa Trophy
Commercial velvet stags only. See note under entry conditions.
Class 6 Provelco Double
Two very similar heads from stags of any age - judged on market requirements and quality, not under any points or weight system.
Class 7 Best Local Red Velvet - Don Robinson Memorial Trophy
Open to commercial and stud breeders but velvet must be from a locally born stag and grown in HB. Can include sire stags bred in HB. Stag age must be stipulated. Heads may also enter other classes.
Class 8 The Fugly
A category for that head like no other! Must be cut and grown in Hawke's Bay in the past 12 months. Will be decided by judges' choice with consideration given for the age, value and outright difference. There is no National judging for this new category!
Class 9 Super Heavy 10+kg Non-Traditional Velvet - Williams Family Trophy
Non-Traditional will be defined by the current DINZ grading sheet. Both sticks MUST be Non-Traditional. Velvet can be from any aged animal but MUST be over 10kgs. This class will be judged under the normal judging criteria for NIVC with emphasis placed on processing capability and quality.
Class 10 Champion of Champions - Overall winner of all classes.
Class 11 The Pretty Boy
One head from a stag of any age, judging on market requirements and quality, no points for age or weight. An informative category with the judge explaining what separated the top three picks. This head could be paired with another for the Provelco Double.
Class 12 The Meat Head
Open only to commercial venison focussed producers. Must be a pair with no points awarded for weight, focus is on quality.

Conditions of Entry

  • All velvet or trophy antler entered must have been grown in Hawke's Bay.
  • All velvet must have ID tags, the competition class (or classes - see next note) to be entered and instructions for the destination of the velvet after the competition (to be sold, or to go on to the North Island Velvet Competition, or owner to collect).
  • Each head is only eligible for the class nomination. Heads cannot be entered into the more than one class except entries in Best Local Red Head (class 7).
  • Best Three Heads (class 5) can not include stag sires that have been used within the last year. 
  • All competition velvet must have a defined brow, bez and trez tyne with correct placement. Excludes Classes 5 & 9. (Super Heavy 10kgs+ Non-Traditional and Best Commercial 3 Heads).

Other points to note are...

  1. There is an entry form for the Hawke's Bay Competition in the newsletter. This will allow better identification of velvet and ensure it enters the correct Class.
  2. Please record DINZ velvet tag numbers for every stick and make sure every entry is well identified for the class it is entered in. 
  3. There is an entry fee of ten dollars per entry (Commercial Three Heads are ten dollars per entry - not ten dollars per head).
  4. With the pooling of entry feed and some generous sponsorship, monetary prizes for place getters will be awarded. The judge and sponsors do however reserve the right to limit prizes where entry numbers are low. 
  5. Only paid-up DFA members may compete in our Branch Competition so please pay your voluntary sub if you wish to compete - it could put everyone in a very awkward position if a competitor challenges the rules of a non-member's placing. 

